The Year of the ARM Windows PC

Tom Warren, reporting for The Verge:

Nvidia and AMD are both reportedly planning to launch Arm-based CPUs for Windows-based PCs. Reuters reports that Nvidia has started designing Arm-based CPUs in what could be a major expansion of Microsoft’s Windows on Arm work. Nvidia and AMD could both be ready with PC chips as soon as 2025, according to Reuters.

I am sure 2025 will also be the year of the Linux desktop. All kidding aside, I am actually rooting for Windows on ARM for the same reasons I am rooting for cheaper 5K displays. Lower wattage ARM processors, like 5K displays, make for a better computing experience so let’s get as many people on board as possible. Unfortunately for PC folks, better CPUs is only part of the story. Windows developers are historically not nearly as keen to update their apps as Mac developers and, as far as I am aware, Windows’s ability to run software built of x86 on ARM isn’t nearly as performant as macOS’s Rosetta.