Author Archives: Jack Wellborn

Different Strokes

A variety of sites have recently reported on the penetration of updates on a variety of Android handsets. The data shows that second most recent release now is installed on 51.8% of phones. Perhaps more interesting is the variety in how this figure has been framed. First TechCrunch’s take: But for the sake of this […]

Life Isn’t Easy

The ideal among Americans is that life is easy as long the prescribed course of college, career, marriage, home and kids is followed. I think this expectation stems from two main factors. First there is our cultural Protestant work ethic which among other things encourages people to project their ease of success while hiding personal […]

Comprehending Compromise There is a narrative we are being fed right now about how a former man of hope, now elected, has become another empty politician unable to deliver on campaign promises. This tale is woven by an overactive media desperate for filler in collaboration with political operatives looking to game public opinion. Don’t be sold […]

Republican Earmark Ban Is A Political Tactic

There has been a lot of hay made out of the Republican effort to ban earmarks in the Senate this week. Of all the coverage, I have yet to see anyone in the press headline this for what it obviously is: a political tactic. Here are some obvious clues. The “ban” is non-binding.The ban is […]

Republican Assumption #1: Wealth is directly related to work ethic.

Wealth as a result of hard work and sacrifice is very comforting to most people. It is one that provides hope, motivates, and staves off dejection. The idea that hard work alone ensures financial stability is, however, false. Sure, some work ethic is usually necessary to achieve and maintain success, but there are many other […]

Who Lets These Polls Happen?

The abhorrent practice as of creating junk news via junk statistics is bad enough without over simplifying an already simple topic. ESPN, please fire or reprimand the person responsible for the following poll:

What kind of title is this?

This article was on Google News’ spotlight under the following title: A film about the life of Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, debuts October 1 While I am generally a fan of informative titling, being a little engaging is necessary especially if you want readers read the full article under a different name.

Way to cite the contemporary to demean a nearly decade old strategy.

Ross Rubin at Engadget has figured out the answer that has been on everyone’s mind for the last 9.5 years: Why has Jobs’ “digital hub strategy died.” Seriously, what mindset made Ross decide to write this half-cocked proclamation? There are many problems with this article, starting with a title that presumes that the PC is […]

Simple Idea That Improves The Lives Of Many idea and from Amtrak no less! I take the Subway and am thankful for the lack of daily cellphone chatter.

A Foul Plan?

Daring Fireball recently pointed to Gizmodo’s Samsung Lightening Review wherein the author (Matt Buchanan) laments being forced by Verizon to use Microsoft’s Bing search engine. As usual, Gruber is quick to point out the obvious “Android is totally open, just usually not by the time of purchase” doublespeak and this is no exception. What is […]