Author Archives: Jack Wellborn

Case Lacking Context

Nick Wingfield, in this piece for the New York Times regarding Samsung’s loss as a potential negative impact of innovation. Reviewers have praised Windows Phone for its fresh, distinctive design, with bold typography and a tile system for using phone functions. But the phones, including the Lumia 900 from Nokia, have not sold well. A […]

You gave Chinese Democracy a try, why not Instapaper?

Josh Lehman recently pointed out that buying apps is nothing like buying coffee and thinks that we should all put that analogy to rest. Aside from having seen many a co-worker skip over perfectly good free coffee for the nearest Starbucks, I tend to agree. Coffee is about a very consistent and tangible experience. For […]

An Apology

Some time ago, there was all sorts of kerfuffle over GoDaddy’s support over SOPA. I had never been entirely happy with the registrar so I took this as motivation to move my business to a competitor. After dilly dallying for 8 months, I did just that and moved my business to the much more reputable and […]

It’s About Quantity, Not Quality

Laura June is right on the money with her piece on Google’s recently U.S. made Nexus Q.  The second question is “why this product?” The Nexus Q seems like a product Google may not sell that many of — it fulfills a very limited and specific function, so by one perspective, the huge step of making a […]

The Case For Multiple App Versions

During episode 62 of Hypercritical, John Siracusa pontificated the reason, motives and solutions to the lack of paid upgrades in the Mac App Store. During this particular ramble he dismissed separate apps for major versions as confusing and a bad user experience. His reasoning was roughly as follows: Multiple app versions are confusing when presented […]

Apple Claims It Didn’t Blindside Samsung With Patent Litigation

I suspect Apple is telling the truth. It seems highly unlikely that billion dollar business partners would not air their grievances in private before turning to litigation.

Family Values

[They] prey upon our most basic primal lusts, and that’s sex. And the whole abortion culture, it’s not about life. It’s about sexual freedom. That’s what it’s about. Homosexuality. It’s about sexual freedom. -Rick Santorum Libertarians preach that governments should not pass any law that infringe upon individual freedom. Social conservatives also believe in personal […]

“Consumers will be harmed”

That was claim AT&T made while ending its attempted acquisition of T-Mobile USA in the face of increased FCC and DOJ opposition.In others news, MacRumors’ reported this morning that T-Mobile has tweaked a small portion of it’s network to provide 3G coverage to iPhone users.I can feel the pain already.

Well, there’s one thing Isaacson accomplished. an attempt to correct one of Isaacson’s many apathetic inaccuracies, Rob Stilton has provided his firsthand account of the Think Different campaign. Also unlike the book, this piece provides enough perspective for the reader to understand the gravity of its subject.Let’s hope others follow in Stilton’s foot steps.

In my country, people are…

…sent to kill and die in wars without clear justification.…imprisoned without harming themselves or others.…inhumanely executed, sometimes without reason.…punished for illness and addiction.…persecuted based on faith, sexuality, nationality or race.…hungry and homeless.…greedily taking more and contributing less. These are moral problems.