Author Archives: Jack Wellborn

The Death of Car Ownership?

Commenting on a post on Daring Fireball where John Gruber asserted that design will matter even with self driving cars, Brian Fagioli on Twitter argued that: self driving cars will lead to death of car ownership. Outward appearance won’t matter. Just comfort and amenities. John responded with the following update to his original post. If […]

Tell Me if You Heard This One Before

From Mark Gurman, at Bloomberg: Apple Inc. has hit roadblocks in making major changes that would connect its Watch to cellular networks and make it less dependent on the iPhone, according to people with knowledge of the matter. The company still plans to announce new watch models this fall boasting improvements to health tracking. I […]

You Get What You Charge For

From Nick Heer at PixelEnvy: Ads used to be beautiful because they had to be beautiful — if you’re a business paying thousands or tens of thousands of dollars for a full colour back-page ad, you’re going to want to make it the most memorable and compelling visual it can be. A few years ago, […]

A Deal With the Devil

After yesterday’s post questioning Google’s commitment to open source Android, I found this piece Ars Technica published by J.M. Porup about yet another startup focusing on making Android more secure: Copperhead OS, a two-man team based in Toronto, ships a hardened version of Android that aims to integrate Grsecurity and PaX into their distribution. Their […]

Embrace, Extend, and Extinguish

When news came that Amazon would start selling Android phones subsidized with ads on the lock screen, I quipped on Twitter by asking how long it would take Google to wrest control of the lock screen by making it part of the closed source Google Play. Now less than a month later, Ars Technica is […]

“Not too many things like that.”

From Playing The Long Game Inside Tim Cook’s Apple by Rick Tetzeli, writing for Fast Company: It’s entirely possible that Apple will never introduce a product as universally desired as the iPhone. That doesn’t mean it won’t continue to be a great company. “The iPhone entered a market that was the biggest on earth for […]

Digital Advertising verses Digital Ads

As some readers already know, I make my living working in ad tech. For those unfamiliar, ad tech is shorthand for the internet advertising industry. I suspect most outside the industry think internet advertising as strictly banner ads, but ad tech actually encompasses all advertising that is delivered via software over the internet. So for […]

Ars Technica Reviews HP’s EliteBook Folio G1

The review is titled “HP’s EliteBook Folio G1 is the MacBook as it could’ve been“. That’s not true of the 4K version of the laptop, which loses more than three hours of battery life in our test exclusively because of the screen (almost all the other components, including the CPU, were identical across models). It’s […]

Snippets, TextExpander, and Subscription Pricing

I’ve been going through somewhat of a snippet renaissance lately. Snippets are text abbreviations that get automatically replaced with commonly used content. For example, typing “;screenshare” inserts the phone number and link I use for online conferencing. The value may seem trivial, but the alternative requires me to: Remember which application has the information. Switch […]

Goku Goes to the Dealership

I love these Dragon Ball Z Ford ads not because they are clearly pandering to one of my interests and also not because I appreciate the subtext of using a well known Japanese anime to sell American cars. I love these ads because they bring some much needed levity to car advertising as a whole. […]